Thursday, June 2, 2011

Crazy weekend

We have just been So crazy busy over the past couple of days so I'm just warning you that this is going to be a long post. Jimmy got 3 days off since he was starting his new job this week. So we were very excited to have 3 whole days with him :)
We started the weekend off by going to the bats game Saturday night. We had never been before and didn't really know how Libby would do. She LOVED it, well not so much the baseball game but the food, carousel, and playground... oh well she is a girl ;)

Then on Monday we went to Jimmys parents to celebrate Abigail (jimmys sister) 12th birthday. Libby wanted to open all of abigails presents and her being the great aunt she is, she let her. She actually blew out 9/10 birthday candles to which was pretty impressive for a 2 year old. I was so glad we got to spend Abigails special day with her and it is so crazy to me the she is already 12!!

We ended our weekend by going to the zoo on tuesday with some of our good friends from church. Libby has been to the zoo this year but she has never been to the water park, and she loved it! Her and cole had so much fun playing together. It is so cute to see libby grow so close to her friends and see them laugh together, I love it!!

Well to say the least we had an amazing week cram packed with lots of family time! JImmy started his new job this week and is loving it so far. We are so proud of him and are so excited to get to spend sunday and monday all day together as a family ;) God has been so good to us and I am so grateful for the wonderful ways he has been working in our lives !!