Saturday, July 23, 2011

I am back!!

Well I know you all are wondering where I have been since I haven't blogged in over a month. There are a couple of reasons to this, over the past 2 months we have had some pretty big changes in our life that have led to having absolutly NO extra time. First of all Jimmy got a promotion!! We are so very proud of him and he has been loving his new job, but he works 2nd shift so libby and I have and I have had most of the evenings to ourselves. Since this is when I did most of my blogging you can see how being by myself with a 2 year old that needs to be fed, bathed, dressed and put to bed, can put a damper on my blogging plans.

The second thing has been the massive amounts of running that I have been doing. I just all of the sudden got the urge to start running so I have been doing that about 4 times a week, which has been taken up a lot of my extra time. Then on top of all this I had a very stressful day one day and sat my camera ( the one I carry with me and take all of my blogging pictures with) on top of my car and drove away so that camera is now in 1,000 pieces on the Watterson Expressway!! So needless to say its been a crazy couple of months, but I am back now :)

Libby has been growing like crazy and we are reminded everyday of what a blessing she is to our lives. She is becoming such a mommies girl, she wants to me hold her and rock her all the time. The other day she asked me to rock her to sleep and I asked her what she was going to do when mommy decided to have another baby and I had to rock that baby and she said "Libby can sit on one leg, and baby can sit on another leg and you can rock both". She is so sweet and such our little problem solver. Her favorite songs are "Joy Joy in my heart" and "5 little monkies". She loves to swim this summer, with much help her puddle jumper float. She loves to help mommy stretch and work out and it is adorable!! Here are some random pictures of my sweet little girl. Be sure to keep checking the blog because I will be catching up on the past 2 months events :)