Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Why I haven't been blogging.....

Well I think this picture sums it all up. For those who don't know yes, we are going to be having another baby in April of 2012. We are so very excited and I couldn't wait to blog about it and tell everyone the story of how we found out and how we told Libby but at that time I was getting sick about 5 times a day, while caring for a 3 year old and working full time!!! So the blogging had to wait until now, but better late than never.
So Jimmy and I had decided that we were both getting baby fever and that another baby was definitely in out near future. Also for those who don't know I had taken up running last spring and was really loving it. I have always wanted to run a mini and I was going to do so in September. So it was our plan for me to be pregnant right after that. Lets see what words are important there OUR PLAN haha... so on August 5th we found out it was Gods plan for me to be pregnant before September. As disappointed as I was that I wouldn't get to run it I was even more excited that I was going to have another baby :) Now also for those who don't know I have a history of many miscarriages so while some pregnant woman can continue running, I cannot :( But it is SO worth it!!!
I was kind of dreading the 1st trimester because with Libby I was SO sick!! It started about week 5 and went through week 13, and it was horrible!!! But with this one I hit 6 weeks and still hadn't gotten sick so I thought I might be in the clear... wrong!! Jimmy and I took a short trip to Gattlinburg in August and it was there, of course, that the sickness started. So from that moment until about 7 weeks later I was throwing up pretty much all the time. It was pretty rough but it seemed to go by pretty fast and at the 12 week mark I just woke up one day and it went away :)
So on to what everyone really wants to know... telling Libby. We had an ultrasound at 7 weeks and the baby looked great but we still decided to wait until my next appointment to tell Libby just because of my history. So we went to the doctor at 11 weeks and the heartbeat sounded great so we rushed home to tell our baby girl!! She was very excited but the first thing she said was that she wanted to hold HER!! Yes her... Libby swears this baby is a girl and if you tell her its a boy (a mistake some have made) she starts screaming crying. So either she is going to be one happy camper or we are going to have some convincing to do!! She is going to be one amazing big sister!! She already tells my belly goodnight, if she is to rough around my belly she says "sorry baby sister", and she has even started saving things for her baby bother/sister like her old blankets and a pack of wipes she found haha. She talks about who gets to hold it first (of course her) and wear its going to sleep (she thinks in her bed), it's just so sweet how she pretty much understands it and is just as excited as we are!! I'm so thankful that God has blessed us with the oppportunity of seeing her so thrilled about something that is so special to us.
I thank God everyday that he has blessed us with one amazingly healthy child that is so sweet and loving and blesses my life everyday. I thank him that we had a very successful 1st trimester and I feel so blessed to be able to bring another child into this world.
We have another doctors appointment next week and if everything continues to go the way it's going now I should be able to blog more often :) Hopefully we will be finding out what we are having in about 5 weeks which is SO exciting!!
Thank you all for taking the time to read this and definitely thank you to all my friends and family for your prayers and support over the past 4 months, it has meant SO much to us :)