Saturday, February 18, 2012

8 days of sickness....

So recently Libby woke up one night at about 5 am throwing up every 30 minutes about 5 times and then she stopped, so we figured she was over it. Well then about 1 day and a half later she started throwing up again one morning, and was sick all day. Then she was ok for 2 more days and then woke up one last morning throwing up!! It ended up being 8 days total and it was not fun!! However it made for some cute pictures because she became very attached to all her stuffed animals during this time of not feeling good. Now it has been 9 days since she has thrown up so hopefully we are over this nasty thing and we didn't give it to any of our friends!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Comparison photo

So I have been waiting to do a comparison photo of me pregnant with Lib and now with Marlee. I found a picture that I was exactly 3o weeks so I took a picture of me now at exactly 30 weeks... So here they are...
30 weeks pregnant with Libby

30 weeks pregnant with Marlee
I need to post pics of my b day and Valentines day so those will be coming soon!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I have been tagged!!

First Things First, The Rules:
You must post the rules.
Post eleven facts about yourself on the blog post.
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
Tag eleven people and link them on your post.
Let them know you've tagged them!

Eleven FUN Facts:

1. I almost never wear white socks, they are always fun and colorful, white is boring!!

2. My husband and i only dated 12 weeks before getting engaged and were only engaged 6 weeks before getting married... when ya know ya know :)

3. I have really bad road rage, something that is a work in progress :)

4. I am an organizational FREAK!! Everything has a place and it better be in that place.. okay so maybe a little OCD :)

5. I find it very hard to be in a good mood when the sun isn't shining.

6. I played viola for 7 years

7. I am very easily annoyed by sounds. Anything that repeats itself more than 3 times I cannot handle. This is something that my husband and daughter cannot seem to understand haha

8. I will never rewatch a movie that I have already seen, it's silly, I already know what happens, where is the fun in that?

9. I have beaten the game Donkey Kong on Super Nintendo

10. I would choose fruit over chocolate anyday :)

11. I hate for my car to be dirty it puts me in a bad mood

Erin's 11 questions

1. What would your dream vacation be? An all inclusive resort with a beach and sun, just me and my husband :) Disney world is a close second!!

2. If you had the whole day with no electronics what would you do? I love to be outside, this one really wouldn't be hard for me but it would kill my husband!!

3. Whats your favorite meal? I love steak, baked potatoes and mac n cheese

4. What makes you feel closet to GOD? Whenever I assume something is going to go one way and it doesn't. I'm reminded that he is in constant control and that makes me feel very close to him!!

5. What do you do to keep your feet warm at night? I dunno mine are always cold to!!

6. pepsi or coke? 100 % coke Pepsi is gross!!

7. One thing in nature that makes you happy overtime you see it? The sun, it's my favorite!

8. Whats the most physically challenging thing you have ever done? Training my body to become a runner

9. Whats the best gift you ever received? other than all the obvious... my engagement ring, my daughter, etc... um.. I would have to say my kindle :) I love that thing!!

10. Whats your idea of a great date? I have always loved getting take out and watching a movie but anything without kids for a night is nice!

11. warm or cold weather? definintly warm!!

I would post my questions but all my friends who blog are tagged in this one, I had fun doing this though hope you had fun reading!!