Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Circus

So me being the total child that I am when jimmy asked me what I wanted to do on my birthday I said "the circus"!! So thats exactly what we did. (yes I know my b day was February 11th so I know I am very behind on my blog but being 8 months pregnant has gotten the best of me). Libby had never been to the circus before but she was very excited to go. When we walked in the first thing she saw was the pony rides, they had elephant and camel rides to but daddy would only let her ride the ponies. She was SO excited, she couldn't believe that she was big enough to ride a pony all by herself. Whenever she had to get off she was not happy!! It was socute to hear her talk to the pony like it was hers :)
She really enjoyed the show but her being a typical 3 year old was really only interested in the animal performances. It was really amazing how close we could get to the animals and how smart they were!! She did pretty well during the whole show though.. well once she got her hot dog!!

She even got her face painted which shocked Jimmy and I because she never wants to get her face painted. She looked SO cute but was a little disappointed when we had to clean it off in the bath when we got home for church the next morning :(
We had SO much fun at the Circus and I definintly think it will become a yearly ritual for the next couple years :)