Thursday, November 12, 2009


Libby is a mommies girl, definintly. She is always stuck to my hip but usually a cherrio or a toy will do the trick if mommy needs to do something else for a minute. But it never works out when I am cutting hair. Tonight i was trying to cut my friend emilys hair and libby screamed the entire time. She would not even eat a cheerio or even take a bottle!! Which for her is a big deal. so tonight I something so very talented!! I cut hair while holding libby! I think that deserves some kind of award. So eventually I was able to cut emily and kylies hair and it looked great, but whew was it a huge ordeal to get through.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

libbys 1st Halloween


So there are some things about being a mother that you just do not understand until you go through it. One of those things being how important your childs 1st halloween costume is. I found myself looking for a costume in August! I looked online and never thought of all places that I would find her adorable costume at ... walmart! She was a lamb, the cutest lamb in the world!! I was very surprised at 10 months how much she caught on to the traditions of halloween. She has always hated stuff being on her head, but with her headpeaice for halloween, loved it!! She had her little elmo bucket and she would hold it up whenever she knew someone was about to give her candy and thenn reach down in the bucket to see what it was! She loves suckers, anyone who knows her knows that. So when we got home she emptied her bucket and went through all her candy. Of course Jimmy and I loved this halloween because with all of the stuff she can't have we got to go through all the candy and divide it up into a libby bag and a mommy and daddy bag!! We took her to the zoo here and they have this trail set up where you walk around and get candy and when we arrived libby graced us with a blowout diaper and of course there was a long line for the changing table, and just a word to those who make halloween costumes.. make them easier to change diapers!! So we go through about 2 or 3 stations and then LIbby was out and slept all the way until we got to the car of course. so far it seemed like halloween was her favorite holiday, but I think Christmas is going to top it!! Its amazing how when you have a baby every holiday is so much more fun!! I'm so very excited for thanksgiving and christmas :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So I entered the wonderful world of mommyhood on December 23rd 2008 at 8:00 pm, when my beautiful daughter Libby Ann Jaggers was born. Although I believe you enter that world the day you find out your pregnant, which for me would be April 14th 2008. I did not have an enjoyable pregnancy (I think the majority of that comes from not knowing what to expect). I was in school, which I did not enjoy, I was working at sunglass hut, which I did not enjoy and carrying an 8 lb 4 oz child! So needless to say I was not enjoyable to be around ( and for that family I appolojize). I, of course, was sick the first 3 months, which was a blessing in a way considering the previous problems we had encountered. I remember I could not fit in to my jeans at 8 weeks and thought... this can not be right!! But 46 pounds later we welcomed our baby girl into the world... and so began one of the most challenging but rewarding ventures of my life :)