Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter Bunny!!

This Easter was very exciting!! Libby is at an age where she is starting to TRY and understand everything and her 2 year old logic is just hilarious to us!! For example she went around telling everyone "happy Easter bunny" on sunday haha. Jimmy and I asked her repeditively if she wanted to go sit in the Easter bunnies lap and over and over again she said NO so we decided not to waste our time and maybe just try next year :)

So the first tradition we started with was coloring the Easter eggs. She was VERY excited about doing this. She wanted to do everything herself, so we let her do as much as she could. She was so surprised when the eggs came out of the water a different color. She just couldn't believe it!! She was so proud of all her eggs and then... daddy cracked one open and ate it. She was very confused after that and of course she wanted to try to eat one to!!

Then I did something very close to my heart. I rolled Libbys hair in socks which is what my mom did to my hair the night before Easter. She was so cute. I gave her a baby doll and a comb and some socks and she did her babies hair while I did hers. She sat still the whole time and never tried to pull them out and in the morning her hair looked SO cute!!

Libby loved going through her easter basket. We had a rough night so we all woke up at 9;30 and have to leave the house by 9:45 for church. So we opened our stuff from the Easter bunny after Church. She loved the candy of course and her bubble gun. The cutest thing to watch was how excited she got over the fact that the Easter bunny left a basket for bella!! She loved giving Bella her treats from it and it was so sweet to watch.

She loved hunting eggs outside at her maw maws house then inside at her Nanas house. She looked very hard and actually found some of the more difficult ones. She would get an egg then open it up to see what candy she got before she put it in her basket. I think since sunday we have hidden eggs around our house about 5 times, its her favorite game ;)

Overall our Easter was a huge success. We are so blessed to have a God who would sacrifice his son on the cross for our sins!!

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