Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Libbys nana (my mom) bought libby the movie Tangled for Easter. We had seen it before and really liked it. Now Libby likes movies but hardly ever watches them throughout the day. It is usually just at naptime and bed time. But thie movie..... she is obsessed!!! She made me take her portable dvd player off her dresser so that she can carry it around with her and watch tangled wherever she goes. It is SO funny to watch her.

Now yesterday I got to her a little to late and she had colored with screen with a crayon. She immediatly knew she had done something wrong and said " I write? Sorry mommy" It was so sweet. Atleast it was a light pink crayon and you can't see it that much.
The funniest part is that she is old enough now that she laughs at the funny parts. She also has her favorite parts and she will repeat her favorite parts over and over and over again ha ha. Its so sweet how much she is growing up day by day!!

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