Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Indianapolis Water Park 2011

So for the past 2 years our family has gone to Indianapolis on Derby weekend and stayed at the Holiday Inn that has a water park in it. There was about 18 of us this year and we had so much fun. When Libby went last year she really liked it but she was only a year and a half. This year she could say "Water park" and she actually was excited about going.
She actually went down the slide this year and had so much fun. Libby likes playing in the water, but she doesn't like water to be in her face at all so she avoided anything the sprayed or shot water (which was a lot).
When we ate breakfast saturday morning CoCo ( the hotels mascot monkey) came around to our table to see all the kids. I thought that this was going to be a disaster because in Disney world, just 7 months ago, Libby hated anything that was not dressed as a human. But libby liked CoCo, now don't get me wrong she wanted him to keep his distance but she got her picture made with the other kids and I was pleasantly surprised :)
We couldn't have asked for a better child the whole time. She went to sleep really well and took naps really well and for the most part was really good. She loved that on saturday she got to decorate a cookie for mothers day, although she ate the whole thing and didn't share it with me.
I love making these memories with her and it is so neat to do something that you did last year and see how much difference a year makes. I better enjoy this time now because its going by SO fast!!

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