Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Libbys 1st dentist appointment

So Libby is 2 1/2 now and during my last trip to the dentist I asked when I should bring her in for her first cleaning. He told me they like to see them around 2 so I went ahead and set her up and appointment. I had a feeling it was going to be a rough time because ever since our hospital stay Libby has been so scared of anybody with Dr infront of their name haha.
So we worked with Libby the next week and talked all about the dentist. I let her clean my teeth like the dentist and we talked about how it didn't hurt and she practiced opening her mouth wide so he could count all her teeth. Libbys appointment was at 2:00 and she brushed her teeth 7 times that day before we left ha ha. She had already had a nap. I had done everything I could to make this day go smoothly now we just had to wait and see :) Libby brought 2 purses and her disney princesses camera with her. She seemed very excited!!

This is her with her 2 purses and camera waiting for the dentist. It was So cute!! So when we went back she saw the room and the chair and kind of started crying a little but I reminded her of everything we talked about and she seemed to calm down a little bit.
The dentist walked in and he was perfect with Libby!! He started asking her about brushing her teeth and talked about her purses and he camera and he got on her good side right away!! So he allowed me to hold her back in the chair because I told him that if I didn't she would freak!! So he layed us back and started looking at her teeth and... she started crying, BUT she only cried for a minute and the whole time she was crying she stayed completley still and didn't move her head, which was great!! After he looked at her] teeth he informed me that she has ALL her teeth in. I was very excited but kind of sad because this is just another one her baby things thats going away :(
So after he did that he told her he was going to clean her teeth with bubble gum, well that was it she was fine after that!! ha ha. She let him clean her teeth while I held the spit sucker (which he called Mr. Thirsty) and then he rinsed it out. He sat us up and we were all done. She was so proud of herself and so excited when she saw that she take to take home a goody bag and pick out a toy from the treasure chest!!
I was SO proud of Libby, she did such a good job and now she has very pretty teeth to go along with her very pretty smile :)

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