Monday, April 30, 2012

Marlee Lynn Jaggers

        I know my baby is almost 3 weeks old but things have been very busy at our house!! We have added another little one, had tons of visitors, gotten use to feeding, getting use to jimmy being back at work and through all this libby has decided she doesn't need a nap anymore!! So better late than never...
       We had a c-section with Libby so this time we did a repeat and scheduled it for April 11th. This day came faster than I could have ever imagined!! To make a long story short I ended up having some complications (not Marlee, just me) so I had to take off work 2 days earlier than I planned, which is a hassle when your booked solid but everyone at my work was wonderful and took care of everything :) God knew what he was doing though because the last couple days of my pregnancy were rough. I felt so much pressure, I couldn't breath no matter what position I was in. It was rough!! But before I knew it.. Wednesday was here!! Libby spent the night on tuesday with jimmys mom so we got to get the house ready and go out to eat just the 2 of us the night before, which was really nice.
      We both said driving to the hospital was the weirdest part!! We got on the elevator and a lady said "when are you due?" and I said said "ummm.. right now" haha. Having it scheduled definitely came with more anxiety!! We walked in and they got us in a room and everything happened SO fast. We were scheduled for surgery at 11:00 and Marlee was born at 11:11!!!
      I will have to say my husband was my rock!! He was so calm and excited at the same time. He acted like such a pro with this one. He videoed and took pictures and took care of me and Marlee. He truly amazed me!! I'm So lucky!!!
      Marlee Lynn Jaggers was born on April 11th, 2012 at 11:11 at Baptist East Hospital. She was..... 9 lbs!!!! And yes that was 10 DAYS EARLY!!! So that explains why I felt So horrible!! She was 20 inches long and just absolutely beautiful!! She never cried in the hospital, we had to wake her up every single time when she had to eat. We never sent her to the nursery at night because she NEVER cried!!
    We were so blessed to have so many visitors. We have such supportive families and pretty much every member of both families came to the hospital and some don't even live here!! A lot of our friends  came and pretty much EVERYONE from my work came to see her. You all do not know how much that meant to jimmy and I, we appreciated it SO much!!
    Well  that sums her birth up as much as I can. We are so in love with Marlee and so excited for the fun adventures to come!! Again thank you to all our family and friends for your constant support through this pregnancy and Marlees birth :)

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