Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas time with a 3 year old...

Libby is loving Christmas time this year!!! She has her own pink tree in her room that she got to decorate and every time we go to the store we have to get something new to put on it. She got bored with putting our tree up, but loved putting all the ornaments on it. She liked to hold up all the special ornaments and me telling her the story of how we got them or who made them... etc.
She definitely gets the whole Santa thing this year. Every time we are in the store and she wants something I always say "what do you need to do" and she always says "ask santa clause!!" haha its actually kind of nice!!! She has seen him 2 times and both times walked right up and sat on his lap and was SO excited about it!!
Last year we had an elf on the shelf come visit us and this year he came back. At first his name was miss piggy but then libby told me he changed it to strawberry cake!! So strawberry cake hides in a new place every morning and Libby has had so much fun finding him as soon as she wakes up. Her favorite candy is mints and so last week she found our elf hiding in the mint jar and she just thought that was the funniest thing ever!
We have been so busy that we just got started on our holiday crafts today. We painted a Christmas tree picture and did a Christmas hand wreath, which turned out SO cute!! She loves any kind of arts and crafts and I cannot wait to do a ginger bread house with her. We went tonight and bought a bunch of stuff to make cookies and other holiday treats so that will be tomorrow night.
She has really gotten into the holiday movies to. She loves the Grinch but her favorite one is the Santa Clause, with Tim Allen which mommy and daddy just happen to love to. I tried to watch the Polar Express with her the other night because neither one of us had ever seen it but I think it was a little to scary because she made me turn it off after 10 minutes haha.
There should be MANY more posts to come in the next couple weeks because Libby's birthday is just around the corner which involves 2 birthday parties and then whatever we decide to do on her actual birthday. And then 2 days later we will have all of our Christmas fun :) I love my baby girl and all the many memories we are creating together!!

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