Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's a girl :)

So we found out on November 17th that Jimmy and I are going to welcome another sweet baby girl into the world on April 11th. I was So excited to find out and the fact that everyone felt like it was boy kind of made me have that feeling to. We walked into the room and the ultrasound tech went straight to find out what it is!! She looked at me and said "Well, did you keep all of Libbys clothes?" And I said "Yes... is it a girl?" and she said " yes it is"!! Libby just lit up with excitement. She wanted a sister So bad!! We have had the name Marlee picked out since I found out I was pregnant. My grandpas name (my moms dad) was Marlon and I was very close to him when he passed away 5 years ago. I was playing around with family names and then it just hit me to name her Marlee :) Her middle name, Lynn, is jimmy's mom and sisters middle name so that was something I had planned all along. It is So much fun to start getting her room ready and to pick out bedding (monkeys) and to start buying clothes. Libby finds all kinds of stuff in the store to buy Marlee (which gets us in trouble with daddy).
My belly is getting bigger and bigger everyday!! Marlee moves like CRAZY and I love it!! feeling her move is such a blessing from God. We have less than 4 months to go which is so crazy to me. I am so excited and cannot wait to have 2 sweet baby girls!!

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