Thursday, July 5, 2012

Long time comin.....

I have been wanting to do some comparison pictures for a long time now but with going back to work I have had no time at all to blog!! But I am trying desperately to get better at that so that being said... here are pics of libby and marlee at the same ages... see what you all think :)
This is me 36 weeks with Libby

This is me 36 weeks with Marlee

Mommy and daddy before Libby arrived

Mommy and daddy before Marlee arrived

Libby weighing in at 8 lbs 4 oz

Marlee weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs

Libby in her baby jag shirt

Marlee in her baby jag shirt

Libbys 1st bath

Marlees 1st bath

Libbys 1st time to church

Marlees 1st time to church

Libby at 1 month

Marlee at 1 month

I think they look similar but the main difference is that Marlee is SO chunky!! haha. She is definitely a big girl with those chubby cheeks!! Either way we have 2 absolutely gorgeous girls!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Marlee Lynn Jaggers

        I know my baby is almost 3 weeks old but things have been very busy at our house!! We have added another little one, had tons of visitors, gotten use to feeding, getting use to jimmy being back at work and through all this libby has decided she doesn't need a nap anymore!! So better late than never...
       We had a c-section with Libby so this time we did a repeat and scheduled it for April 11th. This day came faster than I could have ever imagined!! To make a long story short I ended up having some complications (not Marlee, just me) so I had to take off work 2 days earlier than I planned, which is a hassle when your booked solid but everyone at my work was wonderful and took care of everything :) God knew what he was doing though because the last couple days of my pregnancy were rough. I felt so much pressure, I couldn't breath no matter what position I was in. It was rough!! But before I knew it.. Wednesday was here!! Libby spent the night on tuesday with jimmys mom so we got to get the house ready and go out to eat just the 2 of us the night before, which was really nice.
      We both said driving to the hospital was the weirdest part!! We got on the elevator and a lady said "when are you due?" and I said said "ummm.. right now" haha. Having it scheduled definitely came with more anxiety!! We walked in and they got us in a room and everything happened SO fast. We were scheduled for surgery at 11:00 and Marlee was born at 11:11!!!
      I will have to say my husband was my rock!! He was so calm and excited at the same time. He acted like such a pro with this one. He videoed and took pictures and took care of me and Marlee. He truly amazed me!! I'm So lucky!!!
      Marlee Lynn Jaggers was born on April 11th, 2012 at 11:11 at Baptist East Hospital. She was..... 9 lbs!!!! And yes that was 10 DAYS EARLY!!! So that explains why I felt So horrible!! She was 20 inches long and just absolutely beautiful!! She never cried in the hospital, we had to wake her up every single time when she had to eat. We never sent her to the nursery at night because she NEVER cried!!
    We were so blessed to have so many visitors. We have such supportive families and pretty much every member of both families came to the hospital and some don't even live here!! A lot of our friends  came and pretty much EVERYONE from my work came to see her. You all do not know how much that meant to jimmy and I, we appreciated it SO much!!
    Well  that sums her birth up as much as I can. We are so in love with Marlee and so excited for the fun adventures to come!! Again thank you to all our family and friends for your constant support through this pregnancy and Marlees birth :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Circus

So me being the total child that I am when jimmy asked me what I wanted to do on my birthday I said "the circus"!! So thats exactly what we did. (yes I know my b day was February 11th so I know I am very behind on my blog but being 8 months pregnant has gotten the best of me). Libby had never been to the circus before but she was very excited to go. When we walked in the first thing she saw was the pony rides, they had elephant and camel rides to but daddy would only let her ride the ponies. She was SO excited, she couldn't believe that she was big enough to ride a pony all by herself. Whenever she had to get off she was not happy!! It was socute to hear her talk to the pony like it was hers :)
She really enjoyed the show but her being a typical 3 year old was really only interested in the animal performances. It was really amazing how close we could get to the animals and how smart they were!! She did pretty well during the whole show though.. well once she got her hot dog!!

She even got her face painted which shocked Jimmy and I because she never wants to get her face painted. She looked SO cute but was a little disappointed when we had to clean it off in the bath when we got home for church the next morning :(
We had SO much fun at the Circus and I definintly think it will become a yearly ritual for the next couple years :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

8 days of sickness....

So recently Libby woke up one night at about 5 am throwing up every 30 minutes about 5 times and then she stopped, so we figured she was over it. Well then about 1 day and a half later she started throwing up again one morning, and was sick all day. Then she was ok for 2 more days and then woke up one last morning throwing up!! It ended up being 8 days total and it was not fun!! However it made for some cute pictures because she became very attached to all her stuffed animals during this time of not feeling good. Now it has been 9 days since she has thrown up so hopefully we are over this nasty thing and we didn't give it to any of our friends!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Comparison photo

So I have been waiting to do a comparison photo of me pregnant with Lib and now with Marlee. I found a picture that I was exactly 3o weeks so I took a picture of me now at exactly 30 weeks... So here they are...
30 weeks pregnant with Libby

30 weeks pregnant with Marlee
I need to post pics of my b day and Valentines day so those will be coming soon!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I have been tagged!!

First Things First, The Rules:
You must post the rules.
Post eleven facts about yourself on the blog post.
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
Tag eleven people and link them on your post.
Let them know you've tagged them!

Eleven FUN Facts:

1. I almost never wear white socks, they are always fun and colorful, white is boring!!

2. My husband and i only dated 12 weeks before getting engaged and were only engaged 6 weeks before getting married... when ya know ya know :)

3. I have really bad road rage, something that is a work in progress :)

4. I am an organizational FREAK!! Everything has a place and it better be in that place.. okay so maybe a little OCD :)

5. I find it very hard to be in a good mood when the sun isn't shining.

6. I played viola for 7 years

7. I am very easily annoyed by sounds. Anything that repeats itself more than 3 times I cannot handle. This is something that my husband and daughter cannot seem to understand haha

8. I will never rewatch a movie that I have already seen, it's silly, I already know what happens, where is the fun in that?

9. I have beaten the game Donkey Kong on Super Nintendo

10. I would choose fruit over chocolate anyday :)

11. I hate for my car to be dirty it puts me in a bad mood

Erin's 11 questions

1. What would your dream vacation be? An all inclusive resort with a beach and sun, just me and my husband :) Disney world is a close second!!

2. If you had the whole day with no electronics what would you do? I love to be outside, this one really wouldn't be hard for me but it would kill my husband!!

3. Whats your favorite meal? I love steak, baked potatoes and mac n cheese

4. What makes you feel closet to GOD? Whenever I assume something is going to go one way and it doesn't. I'm reminded that he is in constant control and that makes me feel very close to him!!

5. What do you do to keep your feet warm at night? I dunno mine are always cold to!!

6. pepsi or coke? 100 % coke Pepsi is gross!!

7. One thing in nature that makes you happy overtime you see it? The sun, it's my favorite!

8. Whats the most physically challenging thing you have ever done? Training my body to become a runner

9. Whats the best gift you ever received? other than all the obvious... my engagement ring, my daughter, etc... um.. I would have to say my kindle :) I love that thing!!

10. Whats your idea of a great date? I have always loved getting take out and watching a movie but anything without kids for a night is nice!

11. warm or cold weather? definintly warm!!

I would post my questions but all my friends who blog are tagged in this one, I had fun doing this though hope you had fun reading!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Marlees Room is DONE!!!

So I know what you have all been waiting for... pics of Marlees room. Today we finally finished it and I couldn't be happier with it!! We decided to do it in monkeys and it has been so much fun looking for all kinds of cute decorations for her room. Libby helped so much and we put her in charge of her room so anytime we got something new she decided where to put it, which sometimes was quit comical!! Well I guess I will let you get to what you really want... the pictures!!

Trying out the crib, of course :)
Helping daddy put the crib up

The before picture, just a pile of stuff ready to be transformed!!!

The middle pics

And we are ALL done :) We just need a baby!!!

Libby meets Rick Potino

For those who don't know Jimmy and I are huge U of L plans and we definitely make every attempt to pass that down to Libby. So Monday night we got the chance to go to the Rick Potino show at Buck heads on West Port road. Libby didn't really understand who he was but when Amanda was going to get her basketball signed she wanted something signed to. So I told her she could get her shirt signed and surprisingly she loved the idea. We went and got in line and she turned to all of us and said "I'm SO excited" haha. She let him sign her shirt and he even said she was cute (duh) haha. It will be a very cute memory and keepsake that Libby will have forever :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Only 12 more weeks!!!

Yes you read that right, we only have 12 more weeks until our beautiful Marlee joins us. The time has gone by so much faster this time, I think most of that has to do with Libby keeping us busy!! We still haven't gotten a date set in stone but our doctor is thinking Wednesday April 11th. I have felt so much better with this pregnancy than I did with lib's and I have gained a lot less weight, both of those also probably due to me having a 3 year old.
Marlee moves constantly, but not a lot during the night (keep it up Marlee). We have the nursery mostly ready, just need to find a dresser (pics to come soon!!). Libby has enjoyed preparing for Marlee so much. We are doing her room in monkeys and Libby has loved getting all kinds of monkey things for her baby sisters room. I tell her that she is the decorator of her room so anytime I get something new Libby gets to decide where to put it. She has given her baby sister all her old baby blankets, towels, bibs, and books, of course she constantly makes sure that when Marlee is done with them she will give them back!!
I cannot believe we only have 12 short weeks left and I know they are going to fly by. I will post pics of Marlees room when we are completely done with it but for now here are some belly pics :)

2 months

4 months

5 Months
6 months, already cheering for the right team :)
Libby already loves her baby sister!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I am going to attempt to sum the holidays up in one post....

So this year was so much fun as far as Christmas was concerned. Libby really got into Santa this year and she got to see him a couple times. I was so glad that this was the 1st Christmas that she wasn't scared and I was SO glad!! She always wanted to sit on Santas lap and tell him all the things she wanted, which overtime was make up like mommies haha.
We had fun doing all kinds of Christmas stuff like making cookies and building a ginger bread house. Libby is definintly in the stage where she can do everything by herself and by the looks of the cookies and the house you can see I did just that.

Libby loved setting the cookies and milk out for Santa and to say that Libby got a lot from Santa is a major understatement!! I think she got a little overwhelmed when she woke up and saw everything but she was did SO excited and very thankful to santa for everything!!

It was a crazy hectic day and we traveled everywhere but in the end we feel so blessed to have so much family that wants to spend time with us. We all got more than we could have imagined and it was definintly the best Christmas thus far!!