Thursday, January 12, 2012

I am going to attempt to sum the holidays up in one post....

So this year was so much fun as far as Christmas was concerned. Libby really got into Santa this year and she got to see him a couple times. I was so glad that this was the 1st Christmas that she wasn't scared and I was SO glad!! She always wanted to sit on Santas lap and tell him all the things she wanted, which overtime was make up like mommies haha.
We had fun doing all kinds of Christmas stuff like making cookies and building a ginger bread house. Libby is definintly in the stage where she can do everything by herself and by the looks of the cookies and the house you can see I did just that.

Libby loved setting the cookies and milk out for Santa and to say that Libby got a lot from Santa is a major understatement!! I think she got a little overwhelmed when she woke up and saw everything but she was did SO excited and very thankful to santa for everything!!

It was a crazy hectic day and we traveled everywhere but in the end we feel so blessed to have so much family that wants to spend time with us. We all got more than we could have imagined and it was definintly the best Christmas thus far!!

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