Sunday, January 1, 2012

Libbys 1st of 3 birthday parties

Yes I know what you are thinking... 3 birthday parties? But first of all let me explain that my child was born on December 23rd so its very hard to just have one party and everyone be able to come. We usually try to do one big party but with me having so much family out of town and the holidays right around the corner we just decided that we couldn't do that this year. So we settled on having 3 smaller parties :)
The first one was with Jimmys family who all live about 3 miles away from us. We had everyone over on Sunday dec. 18th for Taco soup and Libby was SO excited!!
I made her a cake (which you can see in the pictures that I definitely did not inherit my dads cake gene).

She loved opening presents and she was so grateful for each thing she got!! Every time she would open something she would say "Oh thats just what I wanted!!!"
Jimmys family was SO good to her and she got a lot of good stuff!! It was a great way to kick off her Birthday Festivities!!

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