Thursday, January 5, 2012

Libbys actual birthday

So yes I know what you must be thinking, by this time we have pretty much celebrated Libbys birthday three times but because her birthday is 2 days before christmas I always go out of the way to make it so very special for her. So unfortunately I had to work the morning of her birthday so got to have birthday lunch with her maw maw, paw paw, aunt abby, and daddy. JImmy brought her to me when I got off and I had decided to take her to club tabby.
Club tabby is a young girls boutique here in Louisville. It is SO cute!! They do their hair, nails and make up and they do a really good job of just making over them. She felt like such a princess!! She looked so cute when she was done, even though she did choose the BLUE eye shadow haha. She walked around the rest of the night like a little diva and has asked several times since to go back

So after that we went to celebrate her birthday with nana, pop pop, and amanda. The way we do birthdays in my family is that the birthday person gets to pick where they want to go eat. In this case I let Libby choose and she chose Mr. Gattis. So thats exactly where we went. She had so much fun playing games and getting presents from nana and pop.

Libby is so very blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. I cannot believe my baby is 3!! We had So much fun celebrating with her and I cannot wait till next year and we can do it all again :)

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