Monday, January 2, 2012

Libbys Friend Birthday Party

So since Libby has been so blessed to have so many friends in her life we decided that she should have a friend party this year, and she was SO excited!! Libby wanted to have her party at All About Kids, which is a kids gym here in Louisville. We go there a lot for free play and she loves it :) Because her b day is December 23rd and their booking there we had to have her party on a Monday morning, but it worked out because school was out. So on December 19th Libby and her 12 friends celebrated her 3rd birthday and it was SO much fun.

First we opened presents and Libby was really into that this year!! She was so blessed to get so many good things her friends. She got a lot of art supplies which she loves!! She got cute clothes, movies and barbie dolls!! She got her picture taken with each of her friends and I do not have enough space to post every one but you will get the point :

Next it was play time and we had So much fun!! We had a lot of babies there to which Libby loved!! All her friends had fun jumping on the trampoline and swinging on the trapeze. One hour was definitely enough for us mommies because we were worn out!!

The last thing we did was eat cake. Libby is so blessed to have a pop pop that is very talented at making cakes!! She told him she wanted a Tinkerbell cake and man did he do a good job!! She loved her cake her it tasted amazing to :)
Over all we had such an awesome party. Libby is so blessed to have such amazing friends and family. We had so much fun, this will be hard to top next year!!

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