Friday, January 13, 2012

Only 12 more weeks!!!

Yes you read that right, we only have 12 more weeks until our beautiful Marlee joins us. The time has gone by so much faster this time, I think most of that has to do with Libby keeping us busy!! We still haven't gotten a date set in stone but our doctor is thinking Wednesday April 11th. I have felt so much better with this pregnancy than I did with lib's and I have gained a lot less weight, both of those also probably due to me having a 3 year old.
Marlee moves constantly, but not a lot during the night (keep it up Marlee). We have the nursery mostly ready, just need to find a dresser (pics to come soon!!). Libby has enjoyed preparing for Marlee so much. We are doing her room in monkeys and Libby has loved getting all kinds of monkey things for her baby sisters room. I tell her that she is the decorator of her room so anytime I get something new Libby gets to decide where to put it. She has given her baby sister all her old baby blankets, towels, bibs, and books, of course she constantly makes sure that when Marlee is done with them she will give them back!!
I cannot believe we only have 12 short weeks left and I know they are going to fly by. I will post pics of Marlees room when we are completely done with it but for now here are some belly pics :)

2 months

4 months

5 Months
6 months, already cheering for the right team :)
Libby already loves her baby sister!!!

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