Thursday, January 26, 2012

Marlees Room is DONE!!!

So I know what you have all been waiting for... pics of Marlees room. Today we finally finished it and I couldn't be happier with it!! We decided to do it in monkeys and it has been so much fun looking for all kinds of cute decorations for her room. Libby helped so much and we put her in charge of her room so anytime we got something new she decided where to put it, which sometimes was quit comical!! Well I guess I will let you get to what you really want... the pictures!!

Trying out the crib, of course :)
Helping daddy put the crib up

The before picture, just a pile of stuff ready to be transformed!!!

The middle pics

And we are ALL done :) We just need a baby!!!

Libby meets Rick Potino

For those who don't know Jimmy and I are huge U of L plans and we definitely make every attempt to pass that down to Libby. So Monday night we got the chance to go to the Rick Potino show at Buck heads on West Port road. Libby didn't really understand who he was but when Amanda was going to get her basketball signed she wanted something signed to. So I told her she could get her shirt signed and surprisingly she loved the idea. We went and got in line and she turned to all of us and said "I'm SO excited" haha. She let him sign her shirt and he even said she was cute (duh) haha. It will be a very cute memory and keepsake that Libby will have forever :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Only 12 more weeks!!!

Yes you read that right, we only have 12 more weeks until our beautiful Marlee joins us. The time has gone by so much faster this time, I think most of that has to do with Libby keeping us busy!! We still haven't gotten a date set in stone but our doctor is thinking Wednesday April 11th. I have felt so much better with this pregnancy than I did with lib's and I have gained a lot less weight, both of those also probably due to me having a 3 year old.
Marlee moves constantly, but not a lot during the night (keep it up Marlee). We have the nursery mostly ready, just need to find a dresser (pics to come soon!!). Libby has enjoyed preparing for Marlee so much. We are doing her room in monkeys and Libby has loved getting all kinds of monkey things for her baby sisters room. I tell her that she is the decorator of her room so anytime I get something new Libby gets to decide where to put it. She has given her baby sister all her old baby blankets, towels, bibs, and books, of course she constantly makes sure that when Marlee is done with them she will give them back!!
I cannot believe we only have 12 short weeks left and I know they are going to fly by. I will post pics of Marlees room when we are completely done with it but for now here are some belly pics :)

2 months

4 months

5 Months
6 months, already cheering for the right team :)
Libby already loves her baby sister!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I am going to attempt to sum the holidays up in one post....

So this year was so much fun as far as Christmas was concerned. Libby really got into Santa this year and she got to see him a couple times. I was so glad that this was the 1st Christmas that she wasn't scared and I was SO glad!! She always wanted to sit on Santas lap and tell him all the things she wanted, which overtime was make up like mommies haha.
We had fun doing all kinds of Christmas stuff like making cookies and building a ginger bread house. Libby is definintly in the stage where she can do everything by herself and by the looks of the cookies and the house you can see I did just that.

Libby loved setting the cookies and milk out for Santa and to say that Libby got a lot from Santa is a major understatement!! I think she got a little overwhelmed when she woke up and saw everything but she was did SO excited and very thankful to santa for everything!!

It was a crazy hectic day and we traveled everywhere but in the end we feel so blessed to have so much family that wants to spend time with us. We all got more than we could have imagined and it was definintly the best Christmas thus far!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Libbys actual birthday

So yes I know what you must be thinking, by this time we have pretty much celebrated Libbys birthday three times but because her birthday is 2 days before christmas I always go out of the way to make it so very special for her. So unfortunately I had to work the morning of her birthday so got to have birthday lunch with her maw maw, paw paw, aunt abby, and daddy. JImmy brought her to me when I got off and I had decided to take her to club tabby.
Club tabby is a young girls boutique here in Louisville. It is SO cute!! They do their hair, nails and make up and they do a really good job of just making over them. She felt like such a princess!! She looked so cute when she was done, even though she did choose the BLUE eye shadow haha. She walked around the rest of the night like a little diva and has asked several times since to go back

So after that we went to celebrate her birthday with nana, pop pop, and amanda. The way we do birthdays in my family is that the birthday person gets to pick where they want to go eat. In this case I let Libby choose and she chose Mr. Gattis. So thats exactly where we went. She had so much fun playing games and getting presents from nana and pop.

Libby is so very blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. I cannot believe my baby is 3!! We had So much fun celebrating with her and I cannot wait till next year and we can do it all again :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Libbys Friend Birthday Party

So since Libby has been so blessed to have so many friends in her life we decided that she should have a friend party this year, and she was SO excited!! Libby wanted to have her party at All About Kids, which is a kids gym here in Louisville. We go there a lot for free play and she loves it :) Because her b day is December 23rd and their booking there we had to have her party on a Monday morning, but it worked out because school was out. So on December 19th Libby and her 12 friends celebrated her 3rd birthday and it was SO much fun.

First we opened presents and Libby was really into that this year!! She was so blessed to get so many good things her friends. She got a lot of art supplies which she loves!! She got cute clothes, movies and barbie dolls!! She got her picture taken with each of her friends and I do not have enough space to post every one but you will get the point :

Next it was play time and we had So much fun!! We had a lot of babies there to which Libby loved!! All her friends had fun jumping on the trampoline and swinging on the trapeze. One hour was definitely enough for us mommies because we were worn out!!

The last thing we did was eat cake. Libby is so blessed to have a pop pop that is very talented at making cakes!! She told him she wanted a Tinkerbell cake and man did he do a good job!! She loved her cake her it tasted amazing to :)
Over all we had such an awesome party. Libby is so blessed to have such amazing friends and family. We had so much fun, this will be hard to top next year!!